2019 Maryland Family Engagement Summit Program
The annual Family Engagement Summit brings together parents, providers, teachers,
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Kimberly Buckheit, Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and Terrell Sample, Project AWARE
Stepping Stones to Equity, One Family at a Time
Learn ways to make your learning environment as equitable as
Family Partnership Agreement
The family partnership agreement process refers to the set of
Adult Education Survey
Survey families about their interest in training opportunities.
At 8:21am
Health Tips for Home Visitors to Prevent the Spread of Illness
As a home visitor, you partner with parents to help
At 8:18am
Guide to Inspiring Partnerships Between Home and Schools
This guide is designed to be a navigation tool for
At 12:20pm
The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University (http://developingchild.harvard.edu)
Why Learning Communities Matter for Improving Child Outcomes?
Learning communities enable participants to share results and learn from