A Maryland State Department of Education Resource


Maryland Family Engagement Framework and Toolkit

Maryland Family Engagement Framework and Toolkit
 \  Maryland Family Engagement Framework and Toolkit

The Early Childhood Family Engagement Framework outlines goals and strategies to support family engagement initiatives implemented by early care and education providers.

The purpose of the Framework is to:

  • Recognize the importance of family engagement as a core component of early care and education
  • Put forth a set of common goals for family engagement across the early childhood system and for individual early care and education providers
  • Offer family engagement strategies for early care and education providers and identify resources that support the implementation of those strategies


The Early Childhood Family Engagement Framework Toolkit: Maryland’s Vision for Engaging Families with Young Children, was developed through funding with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The Toolkit was organized around the Framework. The Framework is the theory, and the Toolkit puts the theory into practice.

The Toolkit was designed to support Maryland’s early childhood community as early care and education providers implemented the Framework’s strategies; to promote family engagement in early care and education settings and to improve outcomes for families and children by promoting a two-generational approach. The Toolkit was a collaborative effort among programs across Maryland, including Head Starts, Judy Centers, Family Support Centers, prekindergarten programs, family care providers, libraries, and child development centers.

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