A Maryland State Department of Education Resource


2019 Families Learning Conference

2019 Families Learning Conference
 \  2019 Families Learning Conference

2019 Families Learning Conference

Mon Nov 04 - Wed Nov 06
8:15 am - 4:30 pm

Louisville Marriott Downtown

The ​Families ​Learning ​Conference ​is ​the ​premier ​event ​focused ​on ​innovative ​strategies ​and ​practices ​in ​family ​literacy ​and ​learning, ​two-generation ​education, ​and ​parent ​and ​family ​engagement. Attending the conference will equip you with tools and strategies to use right away with the students, families, and communities you serve.

Register here.  Register before March 31 for a $50 discount on registration fees.


Phone:  (502) 584-1133

Email:  conference@familieslearning.org

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