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Thurgood Marshall: A Trail-Blazing Civil Rights Victory in Montgomery County – Virtual

Thurgood Marshall: A Trail-Blazing Civil Rights Victory in Montgomery County – Virtual
 \  Thurgood Marshall: A Trail-Blazing Civil Rights Victory in Montgomery County – Virtual

Thurgood Marshall: A Trail-Blazing Civil Rights Victory in Montgomery County – Virtual

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Thu Jan 20
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Join Ralph Buglass for a look at the impact of Civil Rights attorney, Thurgood Marshall on Montgomery County, seventeen years before the landmark Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education. Civil rights icon Thurgood Marshall delivered an early blow to school segregation right here in Montgomery County—gaining equal pay for the county’s African American teachers in 1937. This little-known legal case is often seen as the first step in Marshall’s successful drive to have separate schools for white and black children declared unconstitutional, as the Supreme Court did 17 years later in a landmark decision. This illustrated talk details this remarkable local story and its national significance. Spoiler alert: the victory came at a tremendous cost to the teacher bringing the case. For the event site, click here.




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