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February is National Children’s Dental Health Month!

One of the greatest culprits is the baby bottle.

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month!
 \  News  \  February is National Children’s Dental Health Month!

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month!

February is National Children's Dental Health Month!February is National Children’s Dental Health Month!

Join the Maryland State Department of Education’s Division of Early Childhood, the American Dental Association (ADA), the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Maryland’s Dental Action Coalition and thousands of schools and programs nationwide to celebrate National Children’s Dental Health Month in February!

This year’s theme is “Sealants Make Sense.”

“Sealants on permanent molars reduce the risk of caries by 80%,” Dr.  Irene Hilton, D.D.S., chair of the ADA Council on Advocacy for Access and Prevention’s advisory committee on dental sealants, said in a press release. “If your dentist recommends dental sealants, it is part of a comprehensive caries management approach. I am excited that this year’s National Children Dental Health Month theme is about dental sealants, so more families are aware of this cavity-preventing treatment.”

Now in its 81st year, National Children’s Dental Health Month brings together dental care professionals, health care providers, educators, parents and families to promote the benefits of healthy oral habits. During this month-long national observance, experts will share helpful information, resources and tips for parents and families on topics such as thumb sucking, the first dental visit, when to expect changes from primary to permanent teeth, proper brushing and flossing techniques and the importance of regular dental examinations. Most importantly, this year’s campaign focuses on sealants as a strategy to prevent cavities.

One of the greatest culprits: the baby bottle!

“Tooth decay can occur when a baby is put to bed with a bottle. Infants should finish their naptime or bedtime bottle before going to bed. Because decay can destroy the teeth of an infant or young child, you should encourage your children to drink from a cup by their first birthdays,” says the ADA. The ADA recommends avoiding sugary drinks and purchasing training or sipping cups for the little ones to prevent early childhood cavities.

For more information about the 2022 National Children’s Dental Health Month, visit: ada.org.

2022 NCDHM Poster

The 2022 NCDHM poster is brought to you by the ADA. This year’s NCDHM campaign slogan is “Sealants Make Sense.” Download the “official” National Children’s Dental Health Month Poster here:

8.5″x 11″ Flier Size
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8.5″x11″/ Flier Size
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