Preschool Suspensions and the Role of Implicit Bias (video)
Preschoolers are suspended three times more than children in kindergarten
A Maryland State Department of Education Resource
At 8:56am
Preschoolers are suspended three times more than children in kindergarten
Hosted by Dr. Rosemarie Allen, this webinar features panel experts
This guidance resource is to support leadership’s efforts to eliminate
This report features recommendations for practices to eliminate expulsion and
Recent data shows a troubling number of children are expelled
During this webinar, parents share the impact of their child’s
Information about the Maryland Prevention of Suspention and Expulsion Policy.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for
All early care and education providers can support families by promoting a nutritious diet and healthy eating habits in babies and children, which will lead to children’s healthy growth and development.
All early care and education providers can support families by helping them to find consistent medical care and encouraging them to have their children monitored regularly.
Evidence from early childhood research and practice shows a strong link between parents’ health and well-being and their children’s development.