Winter Safety Tips
Keep children healthy, safe and warm this winter.
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Transcript of infographic:
Winter Safety Tips
- Dress children in layers. Remember: Little bodies have a more difficult time regulating temperatures than adults.
- Cover the hands, neck and head to prevent frostbite and to keep the body warm.
- Mittens keep hands warmer than gloves.
- Use coats with Velcro or snap enclosures. Remove all drawstrings to prevent potential strangling. Use neck warmers instead of scarves.
Outdoor Fun
- Use sunscreen. Although it’s cold outside, it’s still important to apply sunscreen to exposed areas. Remember: Children and adults can still get sunburned during the winter months.
- Take a break. Schedule periodic times for children to come inside from the cold and warm up.
- Make sure children drink liquids before going back outside. In the dry winter air, children can become dehydrated quickly.
Indoor Safety
- Protect children around fireplaces, wood-burning stoves, and even portable heaters. Use barriers when possible to keep them from getting too close
- Test the batteries in ALL smoke detectors.
- Invest in a carbon monoxide detector and have it close to where family members sleep.
- Keep babies safe and warm while sleeping by dressing them in a one-piece sleeper or wearable blanket. Avoid loose bedding like blankets or quilts, which are potential suffocation hazards.
Sources: American Academy of Pediatrics, Safe Kids Worldwide