How do you Engage Parents and Families?
When it comes to planning events for parents and families, my program usually
Choose the statement that best describes family conferences in your program.
When a family has a need, my program
When a parent or family member is interested in taking on a leadership role, I
When it comes to volunteering at my program,
Choose the one statement that best describes your program.
My program is responsive to family cultures by
My program makes sure the materials are culturally responsive by
Choose the statement that best describes your program's communication with families.
We encourage families to interact and learn from each other by
My program supports families experiencing educational transitions by
We support families as the lifelong educators of their children through
Choose one statement that best describes how you incorporate families in child assessment.
To build relationships with families,
How do you Engage Parents and Families?
You are an innovator when it comes to family engagement. You understand the importance of building relationships with families and know how to do it. Take the EC Self Assessment for a further look at how your program's family engagement strategies align with best practices.
Making Progress
You are progressing toward meaningful family engagement in your program. You know what family engagement is; but may struggle in putting effective strategies in place. After taking the EC Self Assessment, create an action plan to help your program move to even better practices.
A Good Start
You are at the starting point of an exciting journey toward engaging families in your program. The Early Childhood Family Engagement Toolkit can provide support and information as you build your family engagement practices.
Ready to Learn
You are ready to learn more about effective family engagement practices. The Early Childhood Family Engagement Framework will give you a foundation to build your knowledge and start to put important family engagement strategies in place.
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