We Can Prevent Childhood Adversity
Adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, are potentially traumatic events in childhood (0-17 years).
A Maryland State Department of Education Resource
At 12:04pm
Adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, are potentially traumatic events in childhood (0-17 years).
At 7:10am
Around 3 years old, children begin to crave more sophisticated books.
Take the time to create some holiday magic with your little one.
At 1:47pm
A continuación encontrará algunas actividades sencillas que puede intentar, no importa si solo tiene unos
minutos o más para concentrarse en usted.
Discover fun and simple ways to teach children how to count.
At 7:00am
If you know a family with young children who is experiencing homelessness, call a program in your area to find out about availability.
HOPE For All serves children and families in Anne Arundel County and parts of Baltimore City.
At 7:00am
The MD STEM festival is October 15 through Nov. 14, 2021.
Is it safe to trick or treat this year?
It’s no trick – good oral health is necessary for good overall health.
All early care and education providers can support families by promoting a nutritious diet and healthy eating habits in babies and children, which will lead to children’s healthy growth and development.
All early care and education providers can support families by helping them to find consistent medical care and encouraging them to have their children monitored regularly.
Evidence from early childhood research and practice shows a strong link between parents’ health and well-being and their children’s development.