Four Tips for Managing the Virtual School Year
Parents and families who work from home face a different set of rules and challenges.
From virtual meetings, deadlines, and daily tasks, your child must be considered in any obligation that your work requires. We know that managing both can be overwhelming, and finding the balance between the two can seem nearly impossible. The following four tips can help you manage the process until schools reopen.
Tip One: Embark on a Fall Adventure.
Take a walk with your little one and talk about all the different things you see on your adventure. For example, you can teach your child about colors as you talk about the different color leaves. You can collect leaves and use them for a craft activity.
Craft Activity. Now that you’ve collected your colorful leaves use them to create a one of a kind masterpiece with your family!
Tip Two: Set up a Child-Friendly Work Station.
Setting up a child-friendly workstation for your little one can go a long way. My son loves to work on his “computer” while mommy works. He practices his writing and tracing while I read and respond to emails and participate in virtual meetings.
Sometimes, it takes more energy to keep your child out of your designated telework area than it does to share it with them. This pandemic has indeed altered everyone’s lives. However, it can be a great bonding moment with your new little co-worker if you allow it to be one.
Find creative ways to prevent your children from interfering in your daily work tasks by setting up a small work station where they can be more engaged in remote learning.
“We realized that is not only necessary, but it was a MUST that we do better with preparing a well-lit, comfortable, and cozy space that would be beneficial for learning. So we chose cheap and inexpensive ways to transform our living room into their classroom. This may not be much because, in reality, it’s NOT, but this space was created with LOVE, POSITIVE INTENTIONS, and PATIENCE. I promise we will give our kids the peace of mind required to do well this school year!”– Mrs. Dena A. F
Tip Three: Fun Ideas for Snacks.
Basic math skills involve making calculations, including amounts, sizes, and measurements. Most children develop an understanding of addition and subtraction through everyday interactions. Preparing meals and snacks with your children can be a great way to enhance their math skills.
Fun snacks for the entire family! Try making simple banana sushi. Ingredients: One banana per person, frosting, or chocolate. Toppings of choice. (My fave is Nutella, nuts, and sprinkles.) Steps: Slice the banana. Cover it with frosting. Sprinkle your desired toppings on top. Use chopsticks to eat. Have fun eating sushi with your little one!
Tip Four: Be Kind to Yourself.
Real vs. Reality. Trust me, moms, I know ALL about the very REAL SUPERPOWERS that are awakened within you every morning as soon as your child’s feet hit the floor! I am talking about the powers that can awaken you from the most profound slumber with no sounds at all and just a stare from your little one.
I am also referring to the powers that can sense an illness about two days prior. Those very same powers let you effortlessly plan and prepare three meals a day for five days straight. Somehow, you can do all of those things, but can never seem to decide on one item from the menu when ordering out. The reality of it all is that we all need a break from the very REAL demands of fulfilling mommy duties.
Be kind to yourself and take time to do things that you enjoy! Find more helpful tips for parents and families from Mommy, Mama, Mom here.