How do you Engage Parents and Families? Quiz
Take this interactive quiz to see where you are on your journey to effective family engagement in your program. Take the full Family Engagement Self-Assessment or learn more through the Maryland Family Engagement Toolkit.
When it comes to planning events for parents and families, my program usually

Choose the statement that best describes family conferences in your program.

When a family has a need, my program

When a parent or family member is interested in taking on a leadership role, I

When it comes to volunteering at my program,

Choose the one statement that best describes your program.

My program is responsive to family cultures by

My program makes sure the materials are culturally responsive by

Choose the statement that best describes your program's communication with families.

We encourage families to interact and learn from each other by

My program supports families experiencing educational transitions by

We support families as the lifelong educators of their children through

Choose one statement that best describes how you incorporate families in child assessment.

To build relationships with families,

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