10 Great Board Books to Read Aloud to Baby at Bedtime
A Maryland State Department of Education Resource
At 6:57am
By Carrie Sanders, Maryland State Library, and Dorothy Stoltz, Carroll County Public Library
How does a deliberate and steady pace look to help families?
This guide is part of Maryland’s Birth to Kindergarten Parent Information Series.
Parents and families will gain resources and support through this
At 1:00am
It’s Never Too Early To Discuss Race and Diversity with Children!
At 7:13am
By Dorothy Stoltz, Carroll County Public Library, and Carrie Sanders, Maryland State Library
Adults can lead by setting examples that our children can follow.
At 8:50am
Just 15 minutes a day makes a difference!
One of the greatest culprits is the baby bottle.
Students learn about discrimination, segregation, and other critical issues that led to the civil rights movement.
At 12:17pm
Establish routines with infants, toddlers and preschoolers.
All early care and education providers can support families by promoting a nutritious diet and healthy eating habits in babies and children, which will lead to children’s healthy growth and development.
All early care and education providers can support families by helping them to find consistent medical care and encouraging them to have their children monitored regularly.
Evidence from early childhood research and practice shows a strong link between parents’ health and well-being and their children’s development.