A Maryland State Department of Education Resource


Family Members

Family Members
 \  Family Members

Welcome to the Maryland Families Engage Parents and Families Page!

Did you know: You are your child’s first teacher? In other words, children learn through experiences with family members and the behavior they see and hear.

On this page, you will find a variety of activities and events dedicated to empowering you in your role as your child’s first teacher. After all, when parents and families take pride in this important role, they develop long-lasting partnerships with teachers and providers that ensure children’s success in school and in life.

The purpose of the Maryland Families Engage website and the Parents and Families page is to help you recognize and capitalize on those “teachable moments” or opportunities to build skills and reinforce lessons learned every day.

Family Activities

Family Bicycling together, a young boy rdies a small bike while his mother follows behind on the path

Reading with Children

young asian mother sitting on couch at home reading story to two little children.

Resources for Families

Animated picture of child care provider talking with mother

Transitions Video (Spanish)

Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Early Childhood
Nervous about your child's transition from preschool to kindergarten? ...
Woman pointing out a document for little boy.

Creating Structure and Rules for Your Child (video)

Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Why is it Important to follow rules? ...
screenshot of video title Charts and Graphs, Creating Structure and Rules with graphics of hand-drawn tree, crayons, bears and spaceship

Charts and Graphs: Creating Structure and Rules (video)

Center for Disease Control and Prevention
How do you get children to follow the rules? ...

Events for Families

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News for Families

boy with his father catches his first fish

Summer’s Grand Finale: 11 Tips to Hook Children on Fishing

By Malkia "Kia" McLeod, Maryland State Department of Education
Encourage children to bond with nature through fishing ...
9 Back-to-School Organizational Tips for Parents and Families

9 Back-to-School Organizational Tips for Parents and Families

By Malkia "Kia" McLeod, Maryland State Department of Education
Back-to-school routines can help eliminate stress ...
Boy wearing lab coat stands with arms crossed in front of a table with beakers filled with colored liquid

Kindergarten Preparedness: The Importance of Relationships and Child Engagement

By Alan Guttman, IDEALS Institute
How do I prepare my child for kindergarten? ...

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