Movin With Summer Meals (Activity Guide for Families)
Get your family moving to a healthier beat.
A Maryland State Department of Education Resource
At 7:00am
Get your family moving to a healthier beat.
Kids need 60 minutes of activity every day.
Building resilience in children.
At 7:10am
Seven key challenges to providing school- or program-based mental health support.
If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available.
Take care of yourself and your children by learning how to cope.
April is School Library Month!
Discover six fun-filled WOYC daily activities to engage families!
April is full of opportunities to “go green.”
At 7:06am
Garden-based nutrition education in family child care settings.
All early care and education providers can support families by promoting a nutritious diet and healthy eating habits in babies and children, which will lead to children’s healthy growth and development.
All early care and education providers can support families by helping them to find consistent medical care and encouraging them to have their children monitored regularly.
Evidence from early childhood research and practice shows a strong link between parents’ health and well-being and their children’s development.